"Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread."
-Luke 24:35
-Luke 24:35
First Sacrament Preparation: Eucharist
Grades 2-6 provided by Children's Ministry Grades 7+ provided by Youth Ministry
The First Holy Communion of a child marks a high point in the journey of Christian initiation. Every effort must be made in catechesis to help the communicant see First communion as the beginning of a Eucharistic life. -Many Gift, One Spirit SLFC 5
Parish Policies
#1: The ordinary age for preparation for First Sacraments is seven years. The child must also be in the second grade or older. Furthermore, a candidate must have either attended Holy Family School or the Holy Family Religious Education Program during first grade (or the year prior). #2: Preparation for First Sacraments must be done in addition to ordinary religious instruction. Children must actively attend either Catholic school, or Holy Family's Parish School of Religion classes. Parents of candidates must apply for First Rite of Reconciliation and First Eucharist for their children separately from registration for Parish School of Religion classes. #3: In order to receive First Sacraments parents and children MUST attend all required classes and meetings or attend make-up sessions. A Parent Meeting and Eucharist Workshop will take place in preparation for First Holy Communion. |
Grade 2nd-6th Eucharist Sacrament Preparation
All students in grades 2nd-5th must receive faith formation instruction either in Holy Family Parish School of Religion weekly classes or via Catholic School attendance for two consecutive years. In addition to faith formation/Catholic School religion classes each student must attend a workshop and rehearsal to prepare to receive the sacrament. Parents of candidates for First Eucharist must also attend the workshop, rehearsal, and an additional parent meeting. Students enrolled in the Parish School of Religion second and third grades for the second year will obtain all necessary instruction during Wednesday evening classes. Students enrolled in the Parish School of Religion fourth and fifth grades will obtain instruction during Wednesday evening classes and those in sixth grade during Tuesday evening classes. Children in grades four through sixth will also need to attend a series of additional instructional classes specifically on the sacrament of Eucharist on Sundays from December to April. Dates of these classes to be announced in November. |
Registration for Sacrament Preparation
Registration Forms for 2022-2023 will be available in January 2023
*RCIC Form for children receiving Baptism and Eucharist Grades 2+ can be retrieved from Lindsay or Jocelyn
Registration Forms for 2022-2023 will be available in January 2023
*RCIC Form for children receiving Baptism and Eucharist Grades 2+ can be retrieved from Lindsay or Jocelyn
First Eucharist Dress Code
Children making their First Eucharist will wear attire that matches the following guidelines:
*Girls are encouraged to wear white dresses. Veils/hair pieces are optional. Gloves are not permitted during First Eucharist. If a white dress cannot be acquired please check with Children's Ministry Office before choosing a light colored dress.
*Boys should wear dress pants and shirts. Jackets and ties are optional. No jeans, shorts, or sweatpants permitted.
*All children should wear dress shoes. No tennis shoes or flip flops are permitted.
*No accessories should be carried on the day of First Eucharist including candles, Bibles, purses, etc. Children need their hands free to properly receive the Eucharist.
Children making their First Eucharist will wear attire that matches the following guidelines:
*Girls are encouraged to wear white dresses. Veils/hair pieces are optional. Gloves are not permitted during First Eucharist. If a white dress cannot be acquired please check with Children's Ministry Office before choosing a light colored dress.
*Boys should wear dress pants and shirts. Jackets and ties are optional. No jeans, shorts, or sweatpants permitted.
*All children should wear dress shoes. No tennis shoes or flip flops are permitted.
*No accessories should be carried on the day of First Eucharist including candles, Bibles, purses, etc. Children need their hands free to properly receive the Eucharist.
Rite of Catholic Initiation for Children (RCIC)
Children who have reached the age of reason (7 years old) through tenth grade, and have not been baptized or have been validly baptized in another faith, will participate in RCIC. They must still enroll and attend two years of faith formation instruction, additional sacrament preparation classes, as well as all Eucharist Preparation workshops, meetings, and rehearsals. In addition to these events they will also participate in the Rite of Acceptance, Scrutinies, Holy Week events, and receive their Baptism at the Easter Vigil with Rite of Catholic Initiation adults.
Children who have reached the age of reason (7 years old) through tenth grade, and have not been baptized or have been validly baptized in another faith, will participate in RCIC. They must still enroll and attend two years of faith formation instruction, additional sacrament preparation classes, as well as all Eucharist Preparation workshops, meetings, and rehearsals. In addition to these events they will also participate in the Rite of Acceptance, Scrutinies, Holy Week events, and receive their Baptism at the Easter Vigil with Rite of Catholic Initiation adults.