Phone: 253-833-5130Church Address
Mass Times*Daily Mass Tuesday-Friday 8:30AM
*Saturday Vigil Mass 5PM *Sunday 8:30AM & 11AM in English; 3PM in Vietnamese ConfessionSaturdays 3:30-4:30PM
AdorationFridays 9:30AM-3:30PM in the Church
Prayer ResourcesTo view our page on prayer resources including Divine Mercy, Stations of the Cross, Rosary and more please click the button above
Bulletins & Upcoming EventsIf you would like to view the live events calendar please visit HERE
Online GivingAnnual Catholic AppealWhat is the Annual Catholic Appeal?
The Annual Catholic Appeal funds various ministries and services throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. Through your generous giving, our 169 parishes & missions and 74 schools help to provide A Future Full of Hope for thousands of people throughout Western Washington. How does the Annual Appeal differ from my parish stewardship giving?
Parishes are direct recipients of the ministries and services supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal. In addition, any money received and exceeding the parish assigned goal is returned through a rebate to your parish to use for a stated project or as needed. Stewardship of TreasureEverything we have is a gift from God and we’re called to share these gifts with others. This is stewardship. Stewardship is our response to God’s generosity. Please prayerfully consider how you will respond to the call for this year’s parish stewardship, which supports Holy Family Church and our many ministries. Together with our parish family, seeds of stewardship can grow. Please fill out and return your 2024 pledge card today. Or fill out the online form at
Formed Parish SubscriptionArchdiocese of Seattle ResourcesPartners in the GospelPartners in the Gospel Update:
Starting today, the 136 parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle will become 60 parish families, with eight stand-alone parishes. This next phase of the Partners in the Gospel initiative comes after two years of planning, extensive consultation, and discernment. Archbishop Etienne released a letter to the People of God to commemorate this important and historic next chapter in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Read Archbishop’s letter here: For more information about Partners in the Gospel, go to