Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Whenever there is a need for the celebrating priest to have assistance distributing the most precious body and blood of our Lord at Mass, he is permitted, in the absence of other priests and deacons, to make use of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These Ministers assist the priest at the Mass in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Men or women can serve as Extraordinary Minsters of Holy Communion.
Ministers of the Word (Readers at Mass)
Readers make the public proclamations of God's Word. They also lead the community's presentation of petitions and serve the needs of the parish through public announcements.
Qualities of a good Reader are:
- Knowledge, and appreciation and love for the scriptures
- The ability to proclaim the scriptures with poise and confidence
- Good public speaking skills
- A commitment to live the message of the scriptures that is being proclaimed
If you would like to serve our parish community in one of these important roles please contact Sue Bregel at [email protected] and she will be happy to assist you and answer your questions.
Lector Sign Up and Training
For all current Lectors, and anyone interested in becoming a Lector, please contact Dawn if you are interested or for more information or if you have any questions.
Eucharistic Minister Training
Is God calling you to be a Eucharistic Minister? Do you want to share more deeply in the celebration of the Eucharist? There is a need for additional Eucharistic Ministers at all of the Masses. Basic requirements are that you be a baptized, practicing, confirmed Catholic adult.
Offertory Families
Families as Gift Bearers
Our role in bringing up the gifts is an acceptance of Christ’s blessings for ourselves and our parish community. If you wish to be part of this Ministry, please sign up by filling out the form found below (coming soon!) and place it in the collection basket or mail to the church.
Our role in bringing up the gifts is an acceptance of Christ’s blessings for ourselves and our parish community. If you wish to be part of this Ministry, please sign up by filling out the form found below (coming soon!) and place it in the collection basket or mail to the church.
Altar Service Ministry
The mission of the Altar Service Ministry is for our parishioners to use their time and talents to make the setting for the celebration of the Mass as pleasing as it can be. This ministry will participate as needed to wash linens, care for vestments, maintain flowers and plants in church and help with general cleaning of the interior of the church.