Parish Finance Council
The finance council is a consultative body that provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of the parish’s fiscal resources. It assists the pastor by:
While the finance council has significant responsibility for the stewardship of parish financial resources, it is not the role of the finance council to recommend directions, priorities, or programs other than those related to its delegation: namely, fiscal stewardship.
Members of the finance council must be:
- Conducting long-range financial planning with regard to funding operational and capital needs in the parish;
- Developing and overseeing a parish budget process which results in an annual parish budget. This process should involve the participation of those responsible for parish programs. It should be so designed that it addresses the parish’s priorities and goals as determined by the pastor and parish pastoral council;
- Providing financial analysis of current fiscal status reports;
- Providing fiscal analysis of proposed goals, strategies, programs and administrative aspects of parish life.
While the finance council has significant responsibility for the stewardship of parish financial resources, it is not the role of the finance council to recommend directions, priorities, or programs other than those related to its delegation: namely, fiscal stewardship.
Members of the finance council must be:
- Baptized and confirmed Roman Catholics in good standing with the Church;
- Registered and supporting members of the parish;
- Grounded in and committed to an understanding of the Church in accord with the principles of Vatican II;
- Committed to prayer, study, listening, and dialogue;
- Committed to stewardship of time, talent and treasure;
- Not currently employed by the parish or parish school or a close relative or in-law of or living in the same household as a parish or school employee
- Not simultaneously a member of the parish pastoral council.