To all families with youth in Middle School 6th, 7th, & 8th graders and High School 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders: As you plan for the new school year 2024-2025 remember to include your Religious Education Formation and start getting involved in the Parish Life of our Community...THIS IS WHERE THE JOURNEY OF THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION BEGINS.
We will keep you posted of further details each week as we continue to plan for the Journey. Be assured that this will take considerable prayer and discernment before we can implement the plans.
Confirmation at Holy Family Church, under the guidance of the Archdiocese of Seattle, now takes place in seventh grade.
The Sacrament of Confirmation...
* welcomes us and deepens our belonging to the faith community
* deepens our relationship to God, as Creator, Redeemer and Spirit
* strengthens us as disciples
How do I know if I am ready?
None of us is ever ready, worthy or deserving of a sacrament. You need to be ready to be open to how God will strengthen you and continue to be present in your life. We can make an effort to be prepared to celebrate Confirmation in a way that shows our sincerity, we can participate all the way, making our responses come alive and keeping our eyes and ears ready to see what God is doing. the community is here to help you feel prepared.
Confirmation Candidate Requirements
*Seventh Grade or Higher
*Received the following sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation
* Register with the Youth Office
*Individual Interview with Youth Minister
*Must attend ALL Retreats and Meetings
*Must desire to love & serve the Lord
Sponsor Requirements
*Confirmed Practicing Catholic
*Not a parent of the Candidate
*Must be 16 years or older
Sacramental Preparation: Confirmation
Sacramental preparation is needed for the final Sacrament of Initiation. The program is geared for seventh grade through High School. Sacramental preparation for Confirmation starts with a retreat, then continues with several Sunday meetings, and ends with a one-day final retreat before the celebration of Confirmation at Mass. Registration fee per youth is $75. A sponsor for each Confirmation candidate is required. Candidates should be enrolled in Middle School or High School Youthlife, attend Catholic School, or Vietnamese Youth programs during the year of Confirmation preparation and the year prior.
For those who are joining our Confirmation this year (2024-2025), all Candidates and their parent MUST attend our Confirmation Information Meeting on November 3rd at 4:30PM in the Church. Confirmation Registration packets will be distributed and filled out at this meeting. The Confirmation program begins with a mandatory retreat. Regular classes begin on the following Sunday in the Parish Hall. Confirmation Schedule will be announced at the Confirmation Information Meeting. Please call the Youth Office for more inquiries.
Confirmation Opening Retreat Information: December 14th & 15th