Jesus said, “Let the children come to me” Matthew 19:14.
Wednesday Evening Preschool through Fifth Grade
Our faith formation curriculum is based on the four pillars of the Faith: Creed, Morals, Sacraments, and Prayer, in alignment with the learning expectations approved by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Catechists help children grow in their faith through approved textbooks, engaging activities, and prayer experiences.
Preschool: God Made Me & the World For Children ages 3-5 who are potty trained Kindergarten: God Loves Us For Children age 5+ attending Kindergarten Pre-Sacrament 1/2 & 3-5: Creation, Jesus, and the Church For children in grades 1-5 joining for their first year of sacrament preparation Sacrament Prep 2/3 & 4/5: Reconciliation, Eucharist, Mass For Children in grades 2-5 in their second year of sacrament preparation Intermediate Continuation 3-5: The Catholic Church; Morality/Catholic Doctrine; Sacraments For Children in grades 3-5 that have already completed the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist
Each class balances information and activities appropriate for each age level to help our parish children learn as much as they can about our Catholic faith while helping them grow in our Catholic community.
Elementary faith formation classes take place most Wednesdays September 18, 2024 through the month of May. Students will be checked in through the parish breezeway, between the church and school between 6:15pm and 6:30pm with the program director or administrative assistant. A parent or guardian will be required to check the students in and out. The group will pray together in the church at 6:30pm before students are escorted to their assigned classrooms by their catechist and assistant. Classes will take place until 7:45pm and children will be picked up from their classrooms.
Each class chooses a service project to complete during the school year, focusing on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, or providing their time, talent and treasure to our community. Projects have included collecting toys for Children's Hospital, pet food/supply drive for the Auburn Humane Society, cleaning the entry to our building, making cards for OCIC students, raising money to host and serve a special OCIC dinner for members of our program, Christmas ornament decoration for soldiers, item collection for the Knights of Columbus, and a food drive for St. Vincent de Paul food bank.
First Reconciliation & First Communion
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Parish Policies
#1: The ordinary age for preparation for First Sacraments is seven years. The child must also be in the second grade or older. Furthermore, a candidate must have either attended Holy Family School or the Holy Family Religious Education Program during first grade (or the year prior). Our sacrament preparation program therefore is a two consecutive year program.
#2: Preparation for First Sacraments must be done in addition to ordinary religious instruction. Children must actively attend either Catholic school, or Holy Family's Parish School of Religion classes. Parents of candidates must apply for First Rite of Reconciliation and First Eucharist for their children separately from registration for Parish School of Religion classes.
#3: In order to receive First Sacraments parents and children MUST attend all required classes and meetings or attend make-up sessions. Three Parent Sacrament Classes, a First Reconciliation Workshop, and Eucharist Workshop will take place.
In the second year of first sacrament preparation families will be sent a separate registration form in December to complete and a fee of $40 will be collected. This fee is in addition to the fee collected for Wednesday classes and covers textbooks and workshop materials for sacrament specific events. If you child is in sixth grade they will also need to attend extra sacrament classes from December to May in their second year in addition to Middle School Youthlife.
Contact Children's Ministry
Lindsay Carter
Program Director-Children's Ministry & Parishioner Engagement